If they are unwilling to do that they could potentially give him a car worth $10,000 and it would also be satisfactory. Perhaps a certain 2016 Mazda CX-5.
If they are unwilling to do that they could potentially give him a car worth $10,000 and it would also be satisfactory. Perhaps a certain 2016 Mazda CX-5.
If we could just go ahead and add the two teens to some sort of watch list for probable future serial killers, that’d be super.
Yeah, but there is a reason that Lady Justice carries scales as well as a sword. You’re supposed to be punished on the fuck up and causes, not the emotions provoked by it. He fucked up. There is no doubt he should have had better judgement, but his fuck up was thinking his brakes had more left in them than they did.…
Holy shit, child rapists, murderers and other far more horrible people get far less time than this. Did this guy fuck up and deserve to go to jail? Certainly. Does he deserve 110 years, not even close. Total failure of the system here so far.
Your links don’t prove anything. You might want to show the number of deaths per miles driven, and how many teslas are there compared to every other vehicle on the road, and so on.
Humans are inherently lazy, and will get bored and/or complacent. If a driver has to constantly monitor the car and be ready to respond to an event, then there is no point in a self-driving car to begin with. In addition, relying on the car to do most of the work will result in drivers being unfamiliar with the…
Just because Tesla has no PR department doesn’t mean you have to volunteer.
It’s honestly amazing how even a little bit of water can obscure something like a car for so long. Ten feet of water is the height from my floors to my ceiling, plus one foot. That’s not very deep.
I think the proportion of the lights to each other and whether it’s combined headlight/indicator matter, too. In the pictures of the cars with the indicator on top that look good, they’re small isolated indicators. Where it seems weird they are generally nebulous blobs, large matrices of lights, or somehow molded into…
Yeah, this. I’m onboard until you get to the rear doors, and then it all goes to shit.
It’s like they paused 2/3 of the way along and then forgot to do the back end.
The Mazda 3 looks better than the Alfa Romeo Giulia, a car that is not pretty.
-Adam Ismail
Could car owners shoot back?
“Why is it so easy to ignore the danger posed by the uncontrolled, fast-moving objects on the freeway and just be amused by the tires’ antics?”
I could probably convince myself to Nice Price this if it had 2 out of 4 on side windows, nice paint, manual transmission, or less grungy interior. As is hard no dice.
I admire Rob for attempting to put a positive spin on this POS. There is not one damned positive thing about this monstrosity that I can say. It’s like a bunch of 13 year olds picked up a wreck and with Bondo and determination, turned it into their “Killer DeathMobile” after watching Animal House.
I want to like this. I think the wagon lines actually work really well with the original design. This just needs more to make a $13k ask reasonable. It needs to be closer to being done, it needs evidence that the hatch opens and stays open. It needs at least an interior that doesn’t require a shower after. I need proof…
So the car was listed for sale at 8900 last year. What looks to be a primer respray and detailing is relisted at 12.9k. Damn I didnt know primer paint and a vacuum was a $5,000 job.