
I like to call it Gategate whenever someone protests adding -gate to the end of something 

lmfao, “it’s not true because it’s not” I’m gonna swear at you a bunch to make it more true!

Doctors are the worst at weight loss advice. I’m recovering from anorexia and my doctor told me to go on a dangerously low calorie diet to lose weight. Thankfully I’m in intensive therapy or else I would have gone right back to the ED... I just like to remind myself that medicine isn’t “one thing” and specialized

I would think that sounding as snowflakelilywhite would be a liability at a lot of colleges.

The game is literally about going to Mexico and plundering. It’s fine if you don’t understand what critics are talking about when it comes to the social justice issues in the game because it takes a lot of study to really understand it. But it’s not fine to pretend like you understand all the issues then dismiss them. 

It’s not the fact that white hipsters are stealing “our” food. It’s that white hipsters are making money off “our” food and culture while systematically shutting us out of every aspect of society and the ability to profit off our culture or resources. 

Yay, the Columbian exchange. I’ll trade you for Tomatoes, Chocolate, Corn, all your land and in exchange you get one (1) free genocide

Colonial exploitation is different from “exchanging culture.

They aren’t eating Italian food while putting Italian children in concentration camps. Try again

Yeah, but the Pussy Riot members are perceived as White so it

I’m so here for Evil I really hope they make her an evil tank and also her tank has horns. 

Look up Junkrat x Roadhog Fanart. It’s all there. 

lmfao “a person ruled by passion and emotion?” Are you like a victorian era philosopher?

Yeah, but where can I find that wallpaper at?!

The fact that the writer is all up in the comments talking about how Rihanna was inspired by “Kabuki wings.” Like, everyone in the comments section would rather come up with any outlandish shit not to give us credit. 

 You are all working overtime to not give Chicanx people credit for anything

I think there’s a racial component to assuming that Rap artists don’t deserve to get paid. This whole article reminds me of the devaluation of PoC art while celebrating white mediocrity. I can’t dream of a USA where shitty ass metal bands pay to perform because even if their music is terrible their “labor” is still

“this country’s preference of immigrants to its own Black citizens”

Yup, I did the mobile ticket, but an error came up when the person scanned it. They didn’t let me in then I had to go to the front desk to sort it out.

But 25 minutes late is right on time.