Rex Sheldon

this. that was almost painful to read in the article. 

Now playing

Say what you want about them, but they were freakin huge and may have even be the last really big rock phenomenon.

I think deep down inside, everybody is ashamed that they were once a pissed off teenager. Do teenagers even get pissed off anymore? Do they still listen to angry music? Maybe that’s what’s wrong with kids today. /30yearoldmanrant

But you can listen to Nighttrain way more often.

Oh shit, Fred Durst is a Jalop.

Honestly LB has aged so much better than most everethying from that era

I used to listen to them. In fact I still regard their cover of Faith to be one of the best covers of all time.

I got made fun of because I was a fan before they took off. One year, everyone was like “Limp wha?!?!, What’s that supposed to mean?”. The next year they were all like “Sweet shirt, bro!”. I tried to go back and find what I saw in them. I’m pretty sure I know what it was...naive youth.

The coolest thing about that band is and always will be Wes.

But did you ever ride a Razor scooter with a leather biker jacket on?

Three Dollar Bill, Y’all was a good album.

I’m with you. The popular songs are really easy and fun to make fun of for being crappy trash music, but he does have a few genuinely decent (or *gasp* good) songs.