
Too close to the finish line. And maybe "hate" was a strong word. I can't really say I hate the show. I hate Don. And pretty much every character except Peggy.

I've Seen Ack Ack From Both Sides Now

If I were to have some knowledge of this individual, which I absolutely do not, I would speculate—blindly, of course—that her attributes are far more enchanting than those of Ms. Swift.

I fucking hate that you have to have Prime to get Seeso through Amazon.

Hell yes! We've been using Staff Picks to talk gear for a couple months now. I should have invited you over when I saw you talking about your love of Les Pauls on another thread.

*changes name to Flash Listicles*

You know what works in theory but not in practice is putting chocolate milk in coffee. It makes sense in your head but it doesn't taste right.

Maybe take some breaths and think about what point it is you're trying to make because it's becoming increasingly abstract. Do you think there's an onus on the performers to specifically cater to every member of every audience for every performance? Because that's not how the whole artist/audience thing works.

I believe Jackson had Ye Olde Dokkentime Players for his inauguration.



Baby Geniuses VI: Baby Carcinogeniuses

The "You're dad to me" feature still won't teach me how to shave :*(

Huh, I did a Bing search on "three stooges gay porn" and got back a bunch of straight stuff. Also a gif of Lara Croft getting banged by a velociraptor.

Tonight on Fox7 News On Your Side: Group Sharting: the new youth menace?

Oh there's no way gay Three Stooges porn doesn't already exist. And I wouldn't want to live in a world in which it didn't. These are the Sure Things I can hang my hat on.

From my sticky dead hands, Donald.

The A.V. Club

Nobody expected those Minions to actually turn out and vote.

I love Treats, and I feel like there's one fairly strong album stretched across Reign and Rivals ("Sing Like a Wire" is their zenith, I think). I'll check this out when I can but I don't feel any sense of urgency to do so.