
I think this is low by about two orders of magnitude:

Who knew the apocalyptic corporate takeover of society would be so fun!

My second thought exactly:

Plus installing it way out where it is (maybe they also took a helicopter?) and digging a relatively nice hole for it. Definitely not a total amateur.

Rose’s arc would have improved if she was the master slicer instead of wasting time on going to that casino. 

PRetty much my take as well.

This. All of it. Thank you.

Finn’s arc should have been from reluctant rebel to discovering he was a symbol and inspiration to other disaffected stormtroopers to a full blown rebel leader who inspires a popular revolt in the First Order against Hux and Ren that helps tip the scales in the finale.

Poe’s arc should have given him the opportunity

Yes, please.

A new 17-episode arc? So... how about you make it anyway - make it a whole season? It’s not too late.

The first thing I thought of when I saw that sweet, sweet WaPo notification on my iPad was Diana belting, “CAN YOU...FEEL THE...BRAND NEW DAY!!”

I call bullshit on calling HR. Unless it’s sexual harassment, HR is borderline useless and will not keep anything confidential.