
You cannot threaten a government official without consequence. You cannot weedle your way out of that with “freedom of speech” nonsense. Conservatives love to site the constitution when it’s about something they want. And deny it to everyone else.

He will soon end up a fox news host, and a public official shortly thereafter. Racism is a cottage industry.

A terrible network interviews a terrible person and the results are predictably horrid.

Good. The snowflake conservative fanboys will hate it. Reason enough to do it.

In the past we punched nazis. in the future we punch nazis. in the present we elect nazis. One of these things is not like the other.

I hope he dies soon.

And even then it was a squeaker. They almost voted in a pedophile rather than vote for a democrat. Black voters turnout has historically been the lowest in the country. Not because of poverty but disinterest. And the community needs to pull it’s head out of it’s ass before they end up in concentration camps too.

Only works if you can make black voters vote for a white person. If they sit on their ass like they did in 2016 we are doomed in ways I cannot begin to describe without the urge to eat a bullet rising in my throat.

God help us.

We can no longer call ourselves the land of the free, or home of the brave. We are cowards and victims of our own paranoia and xenophobia. A nation ruled by the fear of brown people and women. Who treat children like convicts while the men who rape and molest them are on the taxpayers dime. We are not a free country.

If we get four more years of trump it wont just be mexicans they are sticking in concentration camps. It’ll be trans, then gay, then black, then liberal, then poor and debters, then moderate conservative (a dying breed). He will turn this country inside out to stay in office and out of jail. Impeach and imprison

They know they fucked up and like every other rich white guy they want to run away from the fall out and pretend it didn’t happen so they don’t have to learn from it and change.

This is where white supremacists tear the republican party apart and wear it’s skin as a suit so it can run for an election. And in so doing make republicans unelectable on pain of civil war.

It’s way past time we stop coddling these assholes and make them come out and say it.  No more grey areas or ambiguity. Pick your side and stand on it. Are you a villain or are you not? You are one or the other already so you may as well get the cat and mouse game out of the way.

There is no such thing as a pill to make your dick bigger. There is no supplement or manufactured molecule yet that can stimulate specifically spontaneous tissue growth in any body part. It would require a level of technology we simply do not have yet. And if we did they would use it first to treat lacerations and

To be fair chik-fil-a is pretty egregiously bland and forgettable.

Well if things don’t start getting much better real soon I guess I’ll know for sure. Because I have a limit on the level of hardship I am willing to endure.

Nature weaponized ticks a long time ago. They are called paralysis ticks and they are horrifying. In addition to being vectors for disease when even one is on you, you cant move.

Money ruins everything. Especially when it’s afraid of losing.

Your daily reminder that punching nazis is healthy and adds years to your life. Punch a nazi today!