almost all of those shows involved the talented genndy tartakovsky.... seems without him, CN has lost it’s edge.
almost all of those shows involved the talented genndy tartakovsky.... seems without him, CN has lost it’s edge.
ignorance cannot really excuse careless/sloppy wording and unintended bigotry, racism, or stereotypes though.
in b4 the fucking right wing lunatics blame it on violent games. fucking dumbass NRA will ignore this, and no one will care. life goes on.
have you seen the fucking assbackward idiot they think is “winning” as “president?”
white people are why we cant have anything nice. zzz my aunt on the rez in WI still wont move in with us because she fears white men with guns and their “rules”
I think this review can be summed up in one sentence, “that which bores an told man delights children.”
sounds like the last two zones like this, collect the mount associated, dead within 2 weeks. money on it.
This review was infinitely more professional and unbiased than Stephen’s.
i came dot jaypeg to this trailer
rather than beam with optimism, just go straight for that looking like a dork. make an awkward joke, say something completely random like...
damn youngins’ why cant they be addicted to pot and caffeine like us normal adult millenials.
why is a fat girl trying to use her body to make money? thats like putting pearls and make up on a pig.
oh look, jason’s rose colored shades are making him complain about yet another port/remake/remaster. it’s almost as if it’s a career to be an old fogey, sitting on a porch rambling about how back in his day, there were only 8 bits, and 4 sound channels, and the floppy disks both ways in the snow.
i cant tell if this is rose colored glasses talking, or if the game is genuinely bad to these people. i, for one, enjoy the remake. nostalgia plays a huge factor in what’s better in “new vs old” arguments, that i cant take reviewers seriously when they come out.
Oh look, another rpg that Jason hates, color me surprised.
ninja (replace the j) be robbin that church blind. first with wanting to pay for his a jet, and now a bentley? thaat’s not paying for the ministry, that’s payin’ so pastor can party like a playa on your dime.
nobody tell him, in previous iterations, black diablos is a thing, and shes a bitch.
insert some unproductive outrage about how a “couple’ is a picture of white heterosexuals and how youre some kind of a bigot or something.
didnt padme die in child birth? how can she still be forgotten if shes dead?
ive done this twice on kings row and once on numbani, with hanzo, genji, and pharah :V. it’s always amusing