
So Brad should do what everyone else does (who wants breast augmentation surgery, tattoo's, hair transplants,etc.) Save up and then get the surgery.

Because i hold a differing opinion i'm a troll? Jawhol herr (or frau) thehighlanderone!

Could Brad die from this condition? Look he if wants to play dress up - throw him some wigs / some cheap makeup and some shoes from payless.

Awwww did I make you mad bro ( or broette?) So answer the question...why should our tax dollars go for Brads surgery?

Why should the Army (and our tax dollars) pay for Bradley Edward Manning "surgery?" It's not like he's suffering from a heart condition or any other life threatening disease.

Which reminds me of the old joke - What's the difference between a porcupine and a BMW ? With a BMW the pricks are in the inside.

I thought that since the State Police were brought in everything was copesetic. (Not trying to troll here btw.) I remember seeing the chief of the State Police walking w/ the protestors and everything seemed ok (well as ok as things can be down there.) What set off this round of events (no pun intended.)

DISCLAIMER : He's 12 1/2 now.

Oh yea....

These charming little kids are on the pathway to prison or getting capped :

I like how the schmuck recording it almost causes his own accident (rolling over the rumble strip...almost hitting the divider.)

Mo's minions at it again. Remember kids, they are the religion of peace!

Unfortunately Islam (the death cult) is still stuck in the 7 th century. But I'm sure Walid appreciates you standing up for them.

But I barely know you.

Expecting the Cata Doxa reply in...5..4..3..2...

yessa massa!