
You are a poopy head ! SO THERE!

"a country with that many Muslims would be rife with war and crime." Like...Pakistan/Iraq/Syria/Ethoipia/Libya , etc

How about this - I don't like Fred Ward or you?

One country. Pretty much where ever Islam is....so is War. Islam was spread by the tip of a sword...hermano!

"Ones written by old people." <————AGEISM ! CHECK YOUR AGE PRIVILEGE

cool story bro.

Our 1st white knight of the day.

Let's blame the Amish!


I immediately think - wow...how did a no talent ass clown get on tv?

If he had any sort of good luck , he'd be living somewhere else.

I thought his name was - I killed some guys in a coup and became the dear leader Jonathan. AND NOW I KNOW.....

Have you considered making a sandwich board and parading around your town? DO IT..DO IT NOWWWWWWWWWWW!


"Legacy of colonialism?" Oh please. Let's look @ ww2 shall we? All that death and destruction and the countries rebuilt themselves. Africa is still stuck in a mud hut and has people being eaten by Hyenas.

So...What wonderful things has Africa brought to the world? I mean other than Nigerian scammers and inter tribal fighting? ANSWER....IMMEDIATELY!

Or let's call it for what it is...Islam being Islam. FILE UNDER : DONE !