Just a reminder, it's not the NBA/billionaire owners paying for this. It's the players union.
Just a reminder, it's not the NBA/billionaire owners paying for this. It's the players union.
Dear Best Fans in Baseball. STOP.
After all those years in Toronto, this is the moment where Roberto Alomar actually becomes a Leafs fan.
I’ve always heard the phrase “the US Navy is the 2nd largest air force, trailing only the US Air Force.”
Thanks, Clinton! He’s the ass that lessened sanctions on the Norks to get them to abandon nucular and missile development in exchange for a pile of money. Worked GREAT, didn’t it?
Not only is Ticket Exchange a scam, but once you sell your tickets on the NFL’s approved website, you are still responsible for what happens in your seats. We sold our Ravens tickets through it one, and the completely random person who bought them got drunk and kicked out of the stadium. Since the PSL license is ours,…
I’m really digging these Desert Storm revisited stories.
You must be new here Tom. The moderation on this commenting area is pretty much a free for all outside of filth
This is interesting, I know it’s going to come across as me being condescending but I don’t mean it that way. Do you have anything more about this? Seems like an interesting connection and one that can be proven but I can’t find anything. Genuinely curious, not trying to play white knight,
These tests are in coordination with the Iranian regime. What shows up in NK shows up in Iran very soon after. This is quite significant.
Actually, the official statement was that there were NO specific threats against NYC celebrations, so I don’t know where you’re getting this from.
This brings to mind two things:
“...time at the dispensaries...”
Except that once you start pulling Gs to throw off SAMs you start killing a lot of energy, so you’re on a downhill trajectory. I’m just finishing up Bill Smallwood’s book on flying the F15-E in ODS and it was a constant problem.
TJ’s are so universally hacked up that even barbies power wheel version has a lift kit with mud all over it straight from walmart.
Do the people who stop and check their cell phones on the subway stairs count?
Matt Brabham is a professional driver in the Stadium Super Trucks racing series. But even legends forget to turn at…
I'm glad we're not friends so I don't have to be seen with you in the summer.