
You realize the 3 of the 5 most polluted cities in America are in California, right?

Maybe because Purdue has played a team with more than win on the season,or maybe because they went to the wire with the defending national champ. Then again arguing which team belongs in the 15 spot or 18 spot in November is ridiculous to begin with.

Okay, tapping out of this one then. Nice day.

Not as heavily subsidized as oil? It’s one of the worst subsidies currently on our books.

That was my point, E85 is a horrible alternative to regular octane gasoline. It is heavily dependent on oil to produce and is really just a farm-aid program.

I thought Vine was shut down?

And it’s not like they needed diesel and other oil products to till the farm, plant the corn seeds, fertilize, water then harvest the crop. E85 has always been about protecting farmers income with a stable, guaranteed revenue stream for their excess corn than for reducing carbon emissions in the environment.

And since it was Firestone that started the whole thing they’re so cautious they’re sure to replace your Tire Pressure Monitoring System valve-stems when visiting them for new tires, even if that car is a 1998 Wrangler that no mechanic in their right mind should ever make the mistake of assuming it has TPMS. That or

And since it was Firestone that started the whole thing they’re so cautious they’re sure to replace your Tire

I was sitting two rows behind him on Monday night, three people came up to him asking for a picture. The best had to be an older man who walks up and says “my son tells me your the guy who catches all the balls” Zach replied with “your son is right, does he want a picture?”

I’ve always heard the phrase “the US Navy is the 2nd largest air force, trailing only the US Air Force.”

This is interesting, I know it’s going to come across as me being condescending but I don’t mean it that way. Do you have anything more about this? Seems like an interesting connection and one that can be proven but I can’t find anything. Genuinely curious, not trying to play white knight,

Looking at all the aircraft, reading the thousands of ISIS targets destroyed and all the bombs being dropped makes me wonder...why are they still so powerful?

What exactly are those white things that point out from the front two corners of the launch ramp? They look like oversize antenas or possibly some sort of cable support? Just curious.

Does he have a hearing aid in or something? Either that or he’s never gotten water in his ear and is worried about the new feeling

Ublock Origin.

Looks more like brake failure or steering failure. Maybe a line got busted up in the earlier hard landing they were talking about?

This is assuming they don’t make money with the space in the underbelly. I was always under the impression that airlines sold that space to different companies including the shipping companies for freight use. That made sense when airlines started charging bag fees, decrease the amount of free items being carried

Get this set, when the pans scratch-out from use replace as necessary with some higher end lifetime pans when they’re on sale.

Get this set, when the pans scratch-out from use replace as necessary with some higher end lifetime pans when