
I didn't realize my statement could be misconstrued that way. Most episodes of TWD are a C for me. Just like most episodes of, say, Breaking Bad are an A for me. Less ambiguous?

Yeah, I had issues with the logistics of events here, often thinking about them while subsequent scenes were occurring.

Damn, that's one hell of an elucidation! Thanks.

I guess because we've already been down that road before, ad nauseam.

That sounds familiar. Rosie O'Donnell bit?

Yeah, that's weird. Why even make them brothers?


"As ever, the writers’ ability to tell short, visual stories about
one-off characters remains strong. The discovery of the headless
soldiers (with signs hanging off them like “LIAR”) suggests without ever
making the details clear."


Who was he on Dexter?

"…Particularly that scene of him glaring in front of his burning mansion
was like out of one of those insurance commercials of accidents"

Random thoughts:

At least we don't need to sign up for Google+ to comment.

Wow, that is one heck of a rationalization for duping yourself into believing the "prequels are a 100% CGI-fest" propaganda and then not owning up to being wrong.

That makes no sense.

Ha, that fucking jingle.

They did. People just mistake them for CGI.

"Reduced in the Star Wars prequels to a pre-rendered video-game background."

Yeah, the game is a real gutpunch (in a good way). Even the characters in the 400 Days DLC, as brief as our time with them were, are much better written than most of what we've gotten with the show. Season 2, get here already.

Can we get the writers of Telltale's Walking Dead game to take over TV show duties?