
this art piece is pointless through video where you only have one POV. As mentioned, the whole point is to have different patterns appear depending on your viewing angle, you might as well just have a screen playing the pattern we see in the video above without the need for prisms.

um... no, you're quite wrong. I feel like you're associating China with Africa. Average workers in China in industrialized areas are generally way greater than 1 USD/hour.

bacon is smoked aka cooked anyway.

yeah that's just slightly more humane.

you also have to understand that in order to get that extra 30% he wants to permanently control, it's millions of shares so it's not quite just "$100".

Manock wasn't the one fired after that exchange, it's just Jesus that can't read the original interview.

Jesus, you might want to fix this article, Manock was not that one that was fired after that conversation with the execs. It was the Engineering Manager (no name).

go to zealoptics or recon instruments.

this comment thread is pretty lol worthy.

well that wasn't so bad, until the video hit the 0:40 min mark.

also mother earth will be happier that you didn't just dump disposable batteries everywhere :)

looking at this 404 page, i keep expecting a giant steamroller to drop down and WRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY...

what we need is a molecular blueprint of everything. these must be required documents for any new engineering draft from now on :)

ahahahah, don't make me laugh...

you're wrong, look up the history of the universe and you'll see that there's a period of time just after the big bang which would make it pretty much impossible to see exactly the moment of the creation of the universe. this shit ain't easy.

the equator is not an acceptable unit of measurement.

hopefully nobody is dumb enough to actually use this feature for legitimate security.

This article makes no sense. There are countless known pulsars that spin way faster than this.

are you an engineer? If you were, you'd understand what "mechanical properties" refers to and why the phrase makes sense.