
I've seen the Foos twice live. Once was the tour for this album with the dreadful "Talk Show" opening for them, the second about ten years ago with Weezer. Both times they put on a really kick-ass show. I have always felt this album to be underappreciated and was glad to see this piece.

My wife's prophecy is becoming closer and closer to reality. During last week's episode she said "Raven will go into space and spray a hose or something to save everyone." She may not be going to space, but she is probably going to come up with some "solution" that allows them to keep all of Skaikru.

I blame lamp

We thought it was probably a budget issue, but the Walking Dead parallel makes sense too. It would be fun to watch as a viewer though.

I see. I just remember the "Gail stuck in the elevator" cliffhanger so it felt like two seasons in my warped brain.

It's funny you say that. My wife and I really like this show from the beginning, but halfway through the episode last week we checked out. So much potential to explore a completely empty country and we are locked in a boring office building for two seasons.

Wilco (The Song). The riff is just so damn catchy. Such a corny song, but since they are in on the joke I allow it.

Once again, Abby sucks. That is all.

YES. I am 100% back in if this happens. Please let this happen.

One of the main reasons The Wire, Breaking Bad and other shows that I personally love like Bates Motel are so popular is because they quit before they started dragging and reaching for plots. TWD is very repetitive. Rick finds sanctuary, sanctuary is taken away, they fight, they win. Rinse, repeat.

I see your point there, but even in horror movies the plots only take two hours and all the characters are fair game. The Walking Dead just toys with the audience in a very pretentious way, IMHO, and it loses that "horror movie" appeal when you realize that none of the true core characters will die more than once

This show baffles me. I rip on it each and every week and get actively angry at the acting and the pacing of the show, yet there I am every week watching it. The Watching Dead.

Who should play Vince?

I was holding it all in… doing just fine….. UNTIL Norman said "If you try hard enough, you can make anything true." Then, I lost it. Hard.

The scene at the beginning with Kim wanting to be patient in hiring someone and Jimmy rushing into it was great foreshadowing.

I have a bad feeling that Dylan is going to have to choose between saving Romero and killing Norman, or saving Norman and killing Romero…

Honestly, I just kept yelling "NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT SASHA" and complaining that Tara and Rosita are suddenly movers and shakers when it comes to decision-making.

I met Scott from Local H as a 12-year old at First Avenue after they had just opened for Tripping Daisy. Super nice dude and seeing a two piece band blew my mind. I was huge fan from that point on.

Abby sucks. That is all.

When Tandy was getting fed up with waiting outside for the Yoda to show up.