
Maybe if Facebook still did that “poke” thing. The President loves surprising people with unasked for physical actions.

No more articles in the slideshow format please. It’s garbage. 

Why is Jezebel doing it’s level best to torpedo the campaign of the best chance to unseat the Orange Menace in November?  Need I remind you of the many women who have credibly accused Chump of rape?  And of The Dolt’s ties to Epstein?  How can 4 more years of the orange man-baby be preferable to Biden?

William I like you but it’s Pawneeans, come on

yeah, i tend to overuse the phrase “get their teeth kicked in”, but Florida is going to get its teeth kicked in. No full on stay at home order, non essential businesses not ordered closed. A good half the state watching Fox news and thus not yet taking this seriously. A population that skews older than any state of

Drugs not hugs 

Madison is being unreasonable. She has met Victoria. She has spent a lot of time with her. She has to know what a painful effort is must have been for Peter to continue going on date after date that ends with her turning into a 4-year old any time the slightest bit of conflict arises. It’s unreasonable for her to

I don’t give a flying fuck what somebody wants to study. There is no such thing as a major that offers no career path whatsoever. For decades, people have gone into fields asymmetrical from their major. And not everyone is looking at higher education as a means to get a job. Some people just... you know, want a higher

I hate those people, too. Good thing people like you and I are above having such trivial feelings, let alone writing them out. So black, those kettles, nothing like us pots!

Well, I’m not a coffee drinker, so no reason for me to go to one of these fancy, overblown...

Yeah, and I *seriously* doubt this show is going to land on, “the black woman who thinks she shouldn’t have to put up with bigotry was the real villain all along!”

Clearly we’re not! Stop asking!

i’d like this better as a checklist

Haymarket’s burger is only okay. There are now several outposts of Small Cheval which only makes that amazing burger and some fries and milkshakes and adult beverages. Go to those places. Or, if on the far North Side, have the burger at Little Bad Wolf, which is arguably just as good/better.

The agony and the irony, they’re killing me

I actually think this point is being completely overlooked and not considered whatsoever. I think it’s entirely possible that turn based menu system for rpgs has MORE broad/mass appeal than an action system. I am dead serious, and I think everybody else is completely misreading the market on this. And the kind of

A MAGA hat, by definition, is conveying a political message.  Shorts and a tank top are not.  The two situations are quite obviously different.

huh? no. pregnancy and obesity are not the same. you don’t carry all the weight disproportionately in your abdomen while all your ligaments loosen up to expand your hips, when you are obese.......for starters

Woooow you’ve never banged a high school friend in the backseat of a Corolla and it SHOWS

Dude, you totally nailed it! The discrimination you face as someone into 80s butt rock is exactly the same as the discrimination faced by queer people.