
There’s an episode with his mom, and his family has owned and run a small newspaper for like six generations. So he’s from a background that would value facts and reading. My sense is that the bubbly airhead thing is his act, and he enjoys it, but if you read his Twitter feed or listen to what he actually says when

I think possibly both --- I think he perhaps doesn’t on how much he knows as to give his guest room and ability to explain, and he probably is slightly less fact educated than perhaps the people we’re used to interacting with. I come from a family that values factual knowledge highly (like both useful and useless

As a rabidly pro-choice RN working in the OB/GYN world, I genuinely believe helping my patients access a full spectrum of care is my religion. Sadly the only litigious religious organization on this front is the Satanic Temple. I joined them years ago to protect myself should my Catholic employer fire or otherwise

It’s specifically private equity funds doing this. They (DB) were probably doing perfectly well. Some big shady company borrows a load of money to buy the normal company, and gives the normal company the debt. So like they borrow €1billion and then go okay, DB, you owe the bank €1billion, and they rake off all the

Whoa. I’m pretty sure you’re the Doug Forcett of the “The Good Place” commentariat!

I'll be honest - I just dig when Kanye gets in shit.


Well, maybe it is partially a failing on her part, and also a bit of a failing on your part. Not that this is necessarily the case for you, but in my experience, there are “foreplay blowjobs” and there are “climax blowjobs,” both of which feel amazing, and neither of which are wrong on any level.

you know what else? Men are statistically more like to be sexually assaulted themselves than to be falsely accused. So they can shut the hell up now please.

...haven’t we taken Halloween Christmas to enough of an extreme as a society?”

I’ve never been in a haunted house, and I don’t have any really dark trauma in my past (just the normal amount, I’d say), but I am, like, a human woman. I would definitely need one of those necklaces. No way in hell would I sign up for strangers touching me without warning in any context, let alone for what is

They could make robot versions of the characters and call it “Westerosworld”

They let a woman suffer for days until she died, one of them got a finger wagging and the other got MONEY?!?!? WTF?!?! Why aren’t THEY in prison now?

You said:

In a way, what they set up is nearly...mythological. It’s basically the origin story of an entire civilisation, after all. A titanic struggle between two of the originators of an entire race and culture, based on fundamental differences in philosophical view. It has a Greek quality to it, something that could be told

I will admit that I went frequently in high school. I had managed to acquire a coupon for a free burger. Not buy one get one, just a straight up free burger. And it didn’t have an expiration date.

Obvious #1 choice:

Hey peanut dick, compare modern women’s records in any sport to men’s records 50 years ago. Sports performance is a multi-generational evolution of training and recruiting. It’s within living memory that women were legally barred from doing something as simple as running. The stats aren’t telling you what you think

Yeah, that’s the trap right there: it’s not so much that the rich and well-off don’t work hard. They frequently do, especially among the Top 2-10% who form the core of our finance class, elite corporate attorneys, doctors and the like. Anyone who makes partner at an elite corporate firm has essentially sold off the

Thank you! These red hat wearing aszhole ignoramus voters can fuck ALLLLLL the way off with their fucking hardships. And I mean ALLLLLLLLL the way off. Do you want to survive childbirth? Vote DEM. Do you want to have doctors and medical care and health insurance? Vote DEM.