
Okay, I’ll bite. I think live music is thrilling. A terrific singer can change up phrasing and intonation, decide to come in ahead of or behind the beat, respond to what’s in her heart or what’s going on in the world. She can keep the material fresh. There is a reason fans of acts like the Grateful Dead or Bruce

And when the trumpets sound:

As a girl who gets hit on relatively frequently (idk I just have a face that says “talk to me I care about what you’re saying”) I can tell you that most rational boyfriends will not get too worked up if you obviously didn’t know she had a boyfriend. Like yea they might come over and make themselves known as will most

As the woman here, if someone disrespects me, I don’t need any man in my life to protect me or my honor. I can do that myself. Dude better be ready for me.

I spent a decade plus working in bars. I have had everything said to me that a human being can have said about them. My response ranges from laughter to snappy comebacks but never real anger and certainly never a need for fighting. I personally have more self respect knowing I had the restraint and discipline not to

I’m 13 weeks pregnant with a baby I desperately wanted and just discovered the poor little thing has an abnormality which, if I try to carry to term, will likely result in stillbirth or a short and agonizing life for it, and possible death for me. My state barely allows abortion so I have to drive my pregnant, still

This is literally why we have the stupid Electoral College. To prevent a direct democracy from electing an unfit president.

If someone gives me an Amazon Gift Card or a Pre-Paid Visa/Amex Gift Card then hell yes give me the Gift Card every time. It sounds selfish like you’re asking for cash but honestly if someone is spending money on me they might as well be sure I get something I’ll actually want/use.

Y’know, passing the Paycheck Fairness Act would be an even BIGGER step towards equality...just sayin’...but yeah sure draft women that’s good too I guess.

I’m so sick of hearing about the “coastal elites” and how out-of-touch we are with middle America.

Tell your friend that nobody gives a f**k.

The elusive Big Banksy

Safe space? What do you think this is, a theatre?

It’s astonishing isn’t it?

“Voting is fine, but it’s not enough about me. How can I make it less about other people and more about my perception of myself?”

Dear Parents: The advice contained above only applies to the candy your children have collected, not from your undispersed bags of goodies, which are to be brought to the workplace. (If you have no leftover candy, you may wish to adjust your buying habits appropriately.)

Yup! Imagine how horrible that would be to have to chisel away to clean up later. Luckily since I’ve moved to a house that has an icemaker, we’ve only had one significant power loss in 4 years (which was 24 hours I think). I took everything out of the freezer and burried it in the backyard in snow. The very annoying


I voted for Bernie in the primaries. I’m voting for Hillary in the general.