
Just set the laws such that not providing the data means that Tesla takes full liability.  And if they provide the data and FSD is found to be at fault, give them limited liability (i.e. caps on damages).  Make it in their best interest and they’ll comply.

Alright, I was on the Tesla bashing train for a good while when this news broke, but now that I watch the video I see less “FSD is to blame!” than hundreds of people being used to following too closely while traveling too fast and being distracted.

The smart thing is to move away from winter, not toward it!

But an EV has an easy out.......just find more places to cram some batteries......increases range (selling point!) and allows you to hit an arbitrary weight target.

I’d like to image you just introduced 10,000 people to XKCD.

The real problem is all the Normies and their dammed SUV culture...I would have wanted that Honda E-thing but nooooo I can’t have it cause it won’t sell well.

You’re missing the point. THEY don’t want to push EVs out, WE want to push EVs out. The incentive is from the government to get more EVs on the road, so they need to target vehicles that can be bought. 

I live in the south, I’ve never bothered to switch the fan direction because it’s going to be in reverse for such a short period. I had the A/C running yesterday. We’ll have another three, maybe four, weeks of cold weather before spring......and not all contiguous.  

At least the Dyson fan does a decent job of appearing bladeless (the blades are truly hidden from view). These didn’t even try...

I can’t imagine a cleaning task much easier than cleaning a ceiling fan blade. Wipe it off. Ta-da!. These “blade-less” models are still going to collect grime.

Oh how I loathe marketing people.

All these articles about people putting in claims for class action lawsuits stimulates a gambling type response not victims recovery.  These articles should stop on lifehacker...instead inspire the goodness in people as most life hacks do.

Why is Gizmodo pushing all of these class action suits lately?  The only thing they do is to make the lawyers rich.  The members of the class get pennies while the lawyers make hundreds of thousands and/or millions.  And the companies that settle get to claim that they did nothing wrong --- so nothing changes.

I experienced the same from 18 Honda dealers and 2 Chevy dealerships.   I bought a Mazda and a Subaru unmarked up.  I had not considered either.  It was quite a wakeup call.

Honda is bad about having basically one dealership ownership group for a vast area and they won’t haggle at all. Go ahead and drive 120 miles away to go to a different dealership, who cares? We own that one too.

The same way they’d be profitable with ads: You spend less than you’re bringing in.

Ads aren’t required for this, although they expand the amount of money in the pot.

But costs are going to come down soon, once streaming channels start folding and there’s no longer an insane amount of content being produced, driving up