Meyer Lansky Sqarrs

if only I too could be marginalized in relation to child birth. I told my bf that if he wanted to try for a kid again, it was his turn.

I hope his victims get at least some measure of peace from the verdict. It’s bullshit though that he wasn’t convicted on all counts.

I’m afraid they are no more than “these women ruined my life!” tears. Like so many sex offenders, that’s the only way he’ll see it and he’ll never actually take responsibility for his actions. Which is exactly why he needs locking up, away from a society with vulnerable women for him to prey on.

That still just seriously made me scream “How DARE YOU, you fucking monster.”

I couldn't do it. Thanks for taking the bullet.

With 260+ years possible, I find it very unlikely that he’ll walk. I’m betting he’ll be in jail until he’s at the age where he can’t get it up.

it was disgusting to watch on the livestream. i’m shaking with rage!

Seriously. The way Oscar Pistorius cried in court every day, snot every where, throwing up. Like, Jesus, get a fucking grip, asshole. You killed your girlfriend in cold blood with four “zombie stoppers” that basically destroy an entire skull, and suddenly you’re a kid again and can’t stop crying in public. That

Watching him cry and shake makes me want to vomit. He really thought he could get away with it based on the victims’ race and backgrounds. Nice to see that even in Oklahoma they don’t let cops get away with serial rape.

What is that gif from and why is it so scary?

I laughed at his crying. He looks like such a baby.

Yup and it’s always a pity party of one. That guy isn’t crying over what he did to all those women, that guy is crying that he didn’t get away with it.

It just makes me want to scream “FFUUUUCCCK YOUUUUU” so loudly, and with large gestures.

That's exactly how I feel. What kind of privileged monster do you have to be...

Yes. Cry, you shit stain on the ass of humanity. But first, let me get my finest crystal.

i want to drink his tears

Happy birthday, fucker. GO the fuck away now and never, ever come back you fucking monster.


burn motherfucker

I would like this to be the remedy to ALL industries with a pattern and practice of sexual malfeasance against women. What a lovely idea for a deterrent! It boils down to: “if you can’t play nicely, then I will take away your toy and give your toy to your sister”.