“It’s so shiny, I could DIE!”
“It’s so shiny, I could DIE!”
It is! :D
Exactly! :D
Pence is just as much white supremacist trash as 45. Just hides it better. Fuck him.
That’s... That’s so beautiful...
Some of them believe that, yes. There are factions and degrees among them.
Run, motherfucker. Run. For the rest of your pathetic life.
The people waving Nazi flags and throwing Nazi salutes think the Holocaust was awesome and want to repeat everything their idols inflicted on the world.
Sooner rather than later.
Tiny correction:
God, I hope they manage to make first degree stick.
You either have no idea what Nazis are, or you want them to get to the point where they have the power to throw people in ovens again.
There is no debate with genocidal maniacs. You stop them or they commit genocide.
Would the first/second degree difference account for intending to kill a specific person versus intending to kill a random person, or does it cover intending to kill anyone at all? Or does that vary by state too?
Hang the traitorous terrorists high.
No. Fuck you.
Agreed. He was seriously jarring on-screen. And these things are only ever exacerbated on small screens.