Meyer Lansky Sqarrs

I’ve never understood the appeal of cruises, personally. Spending a week or two trapped inside an extremely overpriced shopping mall run by criminals just doesn’t sound like a good time to me. :/

I’m terribly sorry to say, but...

I’m just over here, remembering all the diarrhea cruise stories from a couple years ago...

My favourite thing is the guy losing his fucking mind because he bought it and it turned out to be exactly what was advertised.

Snooty did more for the world than Confederates and their fanboys ever did.


Hahahahahahahahahaha. Nice.

Jesus. :(

Thank goodness uteri really do wander around the body. Would’ve been really embarrassing if they didn’t.

Not tonight, dear. I’ve got a headache.

The entire history of the world is about squashing everything about women because men don’t want to hear about it because it ~scares them~.

The pinnacle of American philosophy.

If you had any sex ed at all, there was mention of male ejaculation.

Because guys are fucking insecure.

He’s admitting guilt.

Look at Ross’ face in the header image.

It’s so weird that self-shadowing is still so uncommon. Seeing perfectly-lit teeth in a mouth is distracting.


I meant ‘13, damn it.

They had a really good idea what they were doing for ‘14 there.