Fucking exactly.
Fucking exactly.
It’s a convenient “cause,” like “ending abortions.” The people you’re pretending to “fight” for can’t tell you to shut the fuck up because you’re a horrible, useless person who insults the very concept of humanity. You can claim to be “standing up” for something without ever having to show any receipts for it.
Oh, yeah, you’re probably right.
Damn. They lost even with the powered-up minions. That’s brutal.
Lose for free!
Yeah. The men-must-always-be-fucking-assholes gene is definitely passed down from dribbling fuck-stick to dribbling fuck-stick.
I loved his miraculous eyesight and walking recovery as soon as he got up to leave.
Then they can eat all the shit they deserve.
Has rural America considered not electing white supremacist fucking psychopaths?
You sick, evil FUCKS. FUCK YOU.
“How special do you feel?!”
Unless he’d enjoy that, since he seems to be attracted to punishment.
They were just afraid of how complicated it would be to animate black people.
What did he have to threaten her with to get her to hold his hand this time?
He never has been, so no reason to start now.
Because fuck MRAs.
Some in Cap 2 but he’s get tortured and it’s not sexy.
For fuck’s sake. -_-
Damn, that’s one ignorant little shit. :/