Meyer Lansky Sqarrs

The pipes are already all fucked with lead. Running clean water through them won’t fix that. But it’d still be a fucking start. Jesus Christ, fucking do something already.

Voters better fucking show up then too.

Yeah, he’s escalating, as all of his sick type do.

He gets banned every day. He comes back with the same name and avatar, but a different @ name every time.

Because there are women here who *GASP* aren’t barefoot and pregnant in some man’s kitchen!

I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Of course you didn’t hear black people talk about it.

“Megyn Kelly’s just weak.”

I remember somebody saying Roger Ailes refused to have a corner office because he was sweating and screaming about how terrified he was of the gay mafia bombing the building, so they had to get him one in the middle of a floor.

You know the second she steps foot in their offices, somebody will be harassing her.

The nerve of them. Where are my pearls.

Yeah, thats probably why it’ll play out as a mutual parting of the ways on friendly terms. Can’t destroy the Good Man™’s whole life just because he’s a sexual predator.

That too! Gotta get the right resonance going and it’s hard with all that cigar and whisky damage to their throats.

Yeah, me neither.

I have no idea. Seal clubbing videos?

Now there’s a thought.

Bannon’s a little ugly for prime time. Probably Spicer.

They’re only on his dick for now because he’s letting them have all the legislation they want to fuck everyone else with. As soon as he’s done, they’ll turn on him like it was their idea the entire time and move on. They know his brain’s fried.

Oh, yeah. That way, they can have wholesome family fun like having her clean a fake room in high heels and a tiny dress.

It’s the only way to be sure.