Meyer Lansky Sqarrs

It does! Tee is awesome.

You want the value to go up. Not the price it costs you.

Delusional idiot feeds white supremacist police power masturbatory fantasies.

I remember when there was an ad for some soda bottle cap thing where you could trade them in for things and someone handed in enough caps or points or whatever for the Harrier jet that was facetiously included in the ad.

As a landowner, you get the right to vote and receive police deference.

Fuck the police.

Carrie. :(

I don’t think Brad Pitt needs the money.


It’s not the real Milky Way. There’s a lot of semi-randomly-generated plugs.

They denied Obama’s request for intervention in Syria in 2013.

Brown people are getting bombed for the right reason: Racism and military bou-yah to distract everyone.

Oh, yeah, you’re right:

And, given Congress’ history with Obama, would have been denied.


You think she would’ve done it without consulting Congress first? Or anyone?

“Hillary Clinton’s such a war hawk! She’ll start wars!”

Look up the MP5SD’s suppressor.

You want to take a sparkling press release full of unicorns, vans of free candy and pots o’ gold as the gospel truth? Go jack off to it in a corner quietly.