
The crashes might be few and far between, but the dickheads trying to crash their cars are there every time. The cops sit at the exit to the Dallas C&C and people still blast off like they’re trying to leave orbit. I guess they could just be trying to get out of Dallas as fast as possible.



I was going to say that if you want to see a system where traffic lights have no meaning, come to Texas. if I had a dollar for every red light I see get blown off I could buy an autonomous car!

I’ve got a Cayman S, a Focus ST, and an ND Miata. Anyone want to guess at which one is hands down the most fun to drive?

Thank you. 308s over the last several years have skyrocketed, as have 328s.

Without being pedantic, that’s what I meant. I still don’t think youre going to see a $25K 124. The stripped down MX-5 Sport is barely making that.

Only available in Florida.

There’s no way the Abarth is coming in at 25k. I’ve driven several different configs of ND and not one of them has been less than $30k.

Imagine how cool this would have been if he’d ever gone past 3rd gear.

The thing I love most about the Miata are all it carnations!

Ive got a FoST and a 2008 Miata. The FoST is entertainingly fast, but is never as fun to drive as the Miata - not even close.

I’ve found the trick is to show up in your NC, test drive an ND and then act unimpressed. My dealer keeps texting me photos of the latest stock, asking me to come and drive another one.

That’s why God invented track days.

Yeah, I get that. I’ve got a completely modded out NC with a 2.5 in it. I went and drove the ND and it paled in comparison despite it’s good looks and mod cons.

Let’s face it, if this thing had any kind of volume it would howl in an underground parking lot. It sounds like a stock ND to me.

The price of a new NA in 1992 adjusted for inflation actually works out to the same price as today’s ND.

Is this a thing now? I’ve seen three people pass someone on the shoulder of the highway in the last month.

So the F-35 is the BRZ? God bless you. - proud NC owner

Perhaps as big an issue is that the F-22 is legacy stealth (like the B-2) it’s made of metal, not composite like the F-35. Maintenance of these types of aircraft is difficult and constant.