
I am a Jew. I would for sure think it was really weird and it would remind me of the Juden star immediately.

There was no good option here. She chose the one that decades of media conditioning and a lifetime spent trying to make herself acceptable to a misogynistic society forced her toward. America killed Hillary Rodham; she would have told him to back the fuck up.

And your pupils don’t construct as much...

Ooh look at you Mr optimist that the world will still be here in 2024.

I say we do a human sacrifice just to be safe. I nominate this guy.

I don’t know how the rest of the unwashed masses like me showing up in small towns are going to handle it, but I’m bringing 10 gallons of gas in jerry cans, days worth of dehydrated food, and 10 gallons of water. This is for 4 people so hopefully, it will get me through without my having to resort to cannibalism.


Just due to recent events and stuff, I think it’s important to point out that despite a few who are in Trump’s administration, Jewish people were one of the strongest anti-Trump voting blocs.

Based on an actual scared turtle that I held yesterday they hiss at you from the safety of their shells. Apt.

The prompt response from Gucci’s lawyer probably implies that they face costly consequences (eviction? fines?) if they express anti -Trump rhetoric or commentary. Moving a store that size in that neighborhood would cost millions, so they’re undoubtedly trying to end the story.

...floating in a jar of formaldehyde.

It would be great if you familiarized yourself with the First Amendment before posting wrongly about free speech.

He was able to say what he wanted to say and even had a platform for it.

Was someone arrested for something they said? No? Then no ones freedom of speech was violated in any way.

True, history has definitely not let Nazis and Confederates have an opportunity to make their point peacefully and fully.

Yeah, their crazy politicians had literal brain-eating ants as an excuse. Ours are just assholes.

It’s actually a classic form of antisemitism on the left. As soon as they find out you’re Jewish, you are t be interrogated on your stances on Israel and often pressured to disavow it in as many ways as possible before you can be “trusted.” Ir’s annoying. I know some people doing it genuinely think they’re coming from

It does exist, and it has existed, and I will continue to fight for it. And I need people to have nuance and recognize where the term Zionism originated, so we can all fight for the better future that you and I both want.

A lot of Zionists believe only one thing: Israel can exist. The Jews can have a county like every other religion has at least one country if not dozens. They don’t like Bibi or the occupied territories, they just want there to be an Israel. And since a large part of the area surrounding Israel does not want there to

Because she conflates that with ALL Zionism, while failing to make the distinction.