
I agree that it’s dumb overall, but we are living in a time of Holocaust denial. And the Holocaust deniers like to claim that all that happened to the Jews is that they were put into detention camps, and a few died of hunger or disease. Something like 2/3 of millenials don’t really know what the Holocaust was, so they

I don’t think Bernie got the message.

The Unwomanly Face of War had me in tears. But especially the scene where Alexievich is interviewing that one woman and her husband together, and he keeps trying to tell the wife to stop blabbing. Just the generations of damaged people that kind of silence creates.

You think NYC units will go off market because of owner-occupied housing increase, as your article indicates??? In a city where the bigger landlords own thousands of units?

Evidence that testosterone is linked to aggression, drive for dominance, poor impulse control (in addition to sex drive) - yes. That there is indication that these drives are effectively suppressed in this case and so these offenders should be released early - no. So I absolutely agree with you that to release them on

And we know that this need for power and control is in no way connected to testosterone? These treatments may very well be useless, but claiming that testosterone only controls sexual urges doesn’t seem like a strong case to make.

And suppressing voter turnout on the other side. So if you can turn out the Dem voters with healthcare and bringing back government that works for the people, why rile up Trump voters?

Sway what? There weren’t enough of us voting to win in 2016, not with the current gerrymandering and voter disenfranchisement.

Right? The folks who are up in arms about omg euthanizing a 17 year old couldn’t care less about all the 17 year olds being killed in school shootings. Just as they don’t care about any miscarriages due to inadequate health care.

NYC is getting an entire second march this year:

But why a sex boycott? Why not sit down and explain clearly, with visual aids and financials if needed, what a loss of abortion access could mean?

Women aren’t really the minority though - roughly the same % of women as men wants to see Roe overturned. This particular evil breaks down by party, not gender, lines. 

You know we New Yorkers don’t look down on you or anything, right? You don’t have to prove to anyone that New York is a shithole to justify not living here.

Except for that study doesn’t exactly show any of that:

You are not voting to give a politician a nice addition to their resume. You are voting so your fellow Americans don’t get all their rights taken away. If that wasn’t motivational enough - that’s on you.

Do they not teach civics in schools anymore? Even if she did nothing else positive or even palatable, Clinton would have nominated liberal Supreme Court justices. If we had those, this law would be found unconstitutional. Not to mention what a liberal Court could do for all sorts of issues, including Citizens United

I am sorry, but this is just concern-trolling. Mizrahi Jews are not idiots who don’t know what’s good for them and are easily mislead by the evil White Ashkenazi Jews (you can see the similar line of thinking coming from Republicans, re: how white Democrats have mislead the poor African Americans to do their evil

Thank you also for the thoughtful discussion.

You’re cute. What I think is that the day after an attack against Jews is maybe not the best time to complain about how some Jews are Republicans and how not 100% of the Jews are on the barricades against this administration.

And here is Merriam-Webster: