He’s a Jewish billionaire. He’s obviously trying to destroy the country from within. /s
He’s a Jewish billionaire. He’s obviously trying to destroy the country from within. /s
There’s another play about her on Broadway: Taylor Mac’s Gary: The Sequel:)
Except those poor Guatemalans and Hondurans grow our economy, pay taxes, keep our population growth positive, and create jobs for those Americans living in poverty. Can you explain to those Americans why we should have a negative population growth driven by racism?
Oh dear god, they will get him to talk about how identity politics is awful and only the economy matters.
Sadly not all of them get mauled or fall off of cliffs. I mean this happens in museums too - people crowd a famous painting to take a selfie. The perfect selfie. That can take a while. A painting that they didn’t actually look at almost at all before going for the selfie.
Why? The voters who will kick him out of office in 2020, just like those who helped flip the house in 2018, don’t care about Trump. They care about healthcare and local issues. Why clog up the airwaves with coverage that energizes Trump’s base and distracts from the actual Dem platform?
Most humans do just fine without eating meat. Or wearing leather. While I hate PETA (and I’m a life-long vegetarian), taking small steps to remove animal products out of circulation is smart. If companies that use leather decoratively just stopped, that could make a difference (not to mention raise awareness).
I was just thinking about this, and it made me sad. I think in an AirBnB or a Bed and Breakfast, you treat the hosts like you would another person in you social circle/class. You’d be ashamed to leave behind a filthy room. This isn’t as often the case for hotel cleaning staff, and race and class has more than a little…
It was not the criticism of Israel, but that of US citizens (Jewish ones) supporting Israel that got Omar called out. There should be nothing controversial in simply acknowledging that and using more precise language in the future, no?
Agreed, with one addition. Ultimately, I think Bibi, fueled by Evangelical support here, also sold out the safety of Israeli Jews, who, in large part thanks to Bibi, are heading for a one state solution.
At the moment, the Dem controlled House is kicking butt.
I think people do this not just with rape but all kinds of violence and bigotry. If it’s something I (or friends) have done, it’s OK. Rape, child abuse, racism, etc is define to exclude that - it’s something those few people over there do.
You too.
You should know that you are doing real harm, on however small a scale. That’s all.
It’s all much more prosaic - I looked up your posts to see what kind of not-troll you are, and saw your post on Illusions - one of my all-time favorite books that got me through some really difficult times, and that surprisingly few people I know IRL have read. Thought that may be a point of agreement.
My guess is you’re a white dude that reacted to the attacks on Omar (rightly) but can’t figure out a way to square the circle of her comments being genuinely problematic AND her not deserving the disproportionate levels of (Republican, Islamophobic) crap she’s getting. That’s OK. Nuanced approaches are hard.
Um, my comment was about reporting on Bibi’s indictment and followup on social media. Why are sharing Breitbart articles...?
We are still on this because it is a good way for the Republicans to divide the Democrats. Kind of how we talked about butheremails for an entire election cycle.
I hope to God you’re a troll.
Personal experience. People I’ve talked to. Experience online, where, in certain circles, support for Israel is equated with support for apartheid and genocide.