
So the guy who owns it probably isn't gay, cuz he put the chick on the hood, but the car? It might not have been born gay, but I'm pretty sure it is now.

I also thought Pontiac when I looked at the bumper.

That's one hot mama.

Thanks for that post, and thanks for the midget question at the end. Made my day.

Smokey, I was having a great weekend until you used "Al Gore" and "boner" in the same sentence.

I'm so glad they still let 12-year olds design cars. But ya know, it could be worse. At least there isn't some faggy anime picture airbrushed on the hood.

So if the hippies make us all use these instead of real cars, then when ever I want to run up to the store to get a pack of smokes and a pound of slaughtered cow, I'll have to round up 3 other people to help power my vehicle? In that case, I'd better stock up on gallons and gallons of patchouli.

So what part of Iowa are you in, 'Hawk? Cuz I lived there for 30 years and never saw anything nearly that bitchin'.

Stup... Dang, Al beat me to the correct answer.

I dunno, I think they're good looking. Not all skanky like American girls are getting.

In my opinion, this abomination could easily replace the Aztec as the world's ugliest vehicle. It's like the designers thought good taste was for pussies. Seriously, that's fugly and stupid.

Oddly, we got free movie channels last weekend and I nearly pissed myself when I saw that Convoy was going to be on. TiVo-a-go-go.

So Bumbeck only sent the small versions? I don't see large versions in the flickr set.

Yes! Make a new Gremlin! I dig!

Umm. Pro audio people hate Mac's? Maybe you. I sure don't. I plug stuff in and it just works. I record stuff and it works. I playback and it works. Plus the UI of most audio apps written for OS X is superior to that of Windows.