
It beats the "Let's assume that it is man's fault and tax the snot out of them to theoretically prevent a problem we aren't sure that man created." argument.

It depends upon the job really. During the workday, I find myself taking care of work instead of taking care of me (even though I should block out time to exercise).

Getting up at 5:30 am to do P90X/Insanity is the best solution I have found. Otherwise, work/life keep getting in the way.

The most recent article I've read on this estimates that employers save an average of $15,000/year per employee by letting them work remotely. So, you would be doing them a favor as long as you can get your work done exceptionally well. :-)

I looked at the ad and it is a door buster. Be ready for a fist fight to get to the TV first.

It sounds like your Mom rocks. I'm sure you will enjoy getting together with her over the holidays.

Maybe you could get a new government? :-)

Don't drink the water!

I fall into the non-swearing crowd. I agree with the gentleman who once said, "Profanity is the effort of a weak mind to express itself forcefully".


I saw this one in the military. Mop N' Glo makes a terrific shine. Mind you, it is only for an emergency inspection/interview. It starts to crack after a bit and would then need to be stripped back off.

Whew! Now Mark Zuckerberg won't need to buy a new hoodie.

My guess is that the issue wasn't the chips. She wanted you to think about her and her needs. Not necessarily a bad thing though.

Just pretend you are male. Eating will be on top of the To Do list all day long.

There is probably a good reason Dave Ramsey calls it a "fleece".

I've worked from home for several years and I've never put on a bra. While it may make me productive, it might seem kinda weird.

Working from home is the bomb!

I just received an email purporting to be from Apple saying they are doing a free replacement on generation 1 Ipods due to a faulty battery. You could look into that in case a free one is available for you.

Yes. I'm currently paying $55/month for a Droid on Verizon which I use mainly as a computer modem.

Is it possible to use this with a tethered laptop in case that is needed in a pinch?