
Karma's long fingers strike when one least expects it!

Conviction was just a groaner at all levels. Plus the American accent was a non-starter.

I think that is obligatory.

Hayley Atwell was my choice for a female Doctor, or just in any SF genre piece. ……I miss Agent Carter.

"He who has dealt is is most certainly he who smelt it!"
-Dr. Orpheus

One can hope.

Good people make good food.

It's all a matter of taste.

Sessions wants to bring back the 1950's by refusing to prosecute various violations of the Voting Rights Act.

Even if it weren't. It should be. :)

He has two of them on his staff. He is the only presidential candidate who was endorsed by David Duke.

Idiocracy had a functional healthcare system, full employment and the best use of Starbucks franchises ever!

Buzz Aldrin just accidentally trolled the President. Aldrin continues his record of being the coolest human being alive.

Good point. But yes, is it considered masturbation or just a timey wimey form of incest? Certain things are best left unsolved. :)

A few things I loved:
1. Master: is it wrong? (To kiss your future female self) Missy: Yes

I just hope they don't come up with a "new idea" and kill Dale.

Prog Rock, not Power Metal.

Dr. Venture: King Crimson, that will turn you into a supervillain in no time flat.

Fair enough point. But she still never believed his bluff for a moment.