
Now I am picturing Rick and Morty in the Akuniverse. Rick would defeat Aku in one episode and then freeze dry him and smoke the remains.

I am so glad someone else caught the Leone notes. Especially in the tomb. Even the music had hints of the end of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly. (Tuco at the cemetery)

Now you are thinking like a Soviet illegal agent!

Make it so FUNKY

You are absolutely correct.

Both Mac and Christine became parents. Lana, the first season court clerk was engaged. Bull got married.

I believe the really good comedians have at least one unexpected decent dramatic role in them.

Then you should probably get a gander at "Get Crazy" a drug fuelled concert film comedy from the early 80's (available on YouTube in its entirety) (it's production was a real life "The Producers" scam)

(In best Bevis and Butthead voice)
Huh huh huh, old men are pervs.

Ray seems to have a fetish for being locked up in cages with guys.

With very unique problems.

I used to watch Soap when it aired and then rerun in syndication.

Without an older brother or kinky parents, search for porn in the pre-internet days was an adventure in of itself.

An impression that became really apparent to audiences when Priscilla Barnes was on the show.

That we know of.

Will check that film out. Hopefully I can find a streaming service that has it.

It's also the tail end of The Green Revolution. Bug resistant strains of wheat were being developed around then as well.

It was the 80's. She's probably happy he's the one of the few moderately successful single guys who isn't suffering from "coke dick".

It's typical of the show to have the Russians completely misread hostile intent in fairly harmless actions by Americans. It takes us back to the episode with the Reagan assassination attempt. When they thought Alexander Haig was going to start a coup.

The agriculture expert/defector may be testing pesticides or bug resistant grain. I sincerely doubt he's raising bugs. A greenhouse seems like a haphazard structure for keeping insect hordes.