
They learn Earthican from the BBC?

In the back of my mind, I am expecting Lyra to tell Wynn, "as part of the Kerplotzian mating cycle I must consume my mate. Sorry Wynn, I had a wonderful time with you."

Yoda Jane:
Bunk, I will be in.

Major swooning ensues.

You would think that Alex would have asked for help from James/Guardian for her off the books attack on Cadmus. It's not like he had anything better to do or worked for the DEO.

I am not sure he is physically capable of a facial expression beyond mopey


Nina also pissed off a KGB higher up (albeit a disgraced one) and was no longer useful to them.

The difference being that Kerri is a real trooper who deals with her complex acting job as opposed to someone who doesn't. We know who is more fun to watch.*

If anything, the incident with Gad in Thailand shows that the KGB is not really that murderous unless they have some kind of reason. They are not indiscriminate.

I think they let her live for a couple of reasons:
1. Western defectors to the USSR were always good for propaganda brownie points.

Split Enz "I Got You" also works pretty well for that.

How very true.

A couple of things of note:
1."You're going to need this"
"What is it?"

I am getting the after effects across the Hudson. They are buying up condos in Jersey City and Hoboken like crazy. A one bedroom shoebox goes for the same price as a suburban McMansion.

I don't see a lot of direct involvement with the Cheeto in Chief. The guy has always been such a crappy manager, its tough to say what he is personally involved with.

But he also wants the respect and attention of his parents. As of now he thinks his parents are boring travel agents. They become infinitely cooler as spies.

And ISIS's bankers and slave drivers, the Emiratis.

Two bedroom in Brooklyn, anywhere from $6,000 to "You gotta be fucking kidding me".

But it's become so obvious now to average New Yorkers. It's created a housing price bubble driving out anything resembling a middle class. Plus there is a construction boom to capitalize on rich Chinese and Russian oligarchs to park their money. The city is littered with barely occupied condos.