
I will gladly admit one of the reasons I am watching this show is Jenna Coleman's overwhelming adorability. The bit where she is allegedly in cognito at Exeter Hall by just wearing a thin veil got a giggle from me.

I gave up on the idea that the Walking Dead has any connection to the reality we know.

"that they end up with the explosives without losing anyone in the group or alerting the Saviors is the first real victory our heroes have had in ages"

Arterial bleeding is transparent too. Everyone can see your blood out in the open.

I am beginning to think maybe Willa Holland is on some kind of pregnancy break. The rumor mills appear to be unhelpful here.

This is getting fun. I wonder who else we can add on here.

Yes she has agency. But guys, especially ones with a vigilante secret identity, should be acting on thoughts that come from above the waist.

With at least one recovery from disintegration.

I know she is hot, but sharing the same woman as your late father is a bit skeezy.

Or design your home interiors in fabulous style.

Thea: Sorry about killing you while under mind control.

Veronica's thought balloon: "Betty, you are much naughtier than I gave you credit for!"

As for No. 7, in retrospect it was not well thought out on my part. But it makes more sense in a "Betty taking on her sister's personality" sort of way.

I suggested somewhere else here that Betty could be going "Norman Bates" here. So that is definitely a possibility here.

Still, the ultimate evil badass collector of Nazi memorabilia happens to be Joseph Stalin. Stalin kept Hitler's skull on his desk as a paperweight for years.

Reb Brown was the definitive Yor Hunter of the Future.

I love that the guy has a streak of self deprecating humor in him (aka the Channing Tatum effect). Ghostbusters 2.0 may have been a bust, but it showed he could do comedy.

Google are the real Nazis.

It's a Norman Bates thing. There was a Polly once. She's gone. Now Betty has Polly in her head.

Nope, he is just a figment of Betty's undiagnosed insanity fueled imagination. Like Polly.