
Only a bit.

Oooh, forgot she was in that!

By he did get sucked up in a giant shop vac.

I always thought of the Rogues as more of a union of punchclock villains. Not so much of a coherent team as people pooling resources to qualify for group rate insurance.

It also could be a "love the one your with" situation as well. Neither of them are going to approach Sara. She is like a big sister figure, and kinda terrifying to both of them.

I didn't think the episode was terrible. A couple of things of note for me:

Now we need a joke account to give all posts in the voice of Mick Rory.

"And why is Odo petting that Tribble…?"

[Lets out a squeal of amusement at the well crafted and amusing post]

It was Sven, he didn't die he was just hurt badly. He came back in a later episode as some kind of partisan fighter.

None of them died. Sven was just severely injured.

It's even easier to take pre-made shortcuts which are available. Who actually makes chicken soup entirely by scratch these days? Almost nobody. They use a pre-made broth and usually adjust the taste. If you have access to Asian grocers, pho is no different.

They sell pho broth mixes and pastes which are not half bad in many Asian groceries.

I cheat and use pho paste or bullion I find at Chinese grocers, refrigerated noodles and supermarket shredded steak. Takes about 15 minutes. Tastes damn close to cheap restaurant quality if you have the mint, cilantro and bean sprouts.

But they were robots (according to the sanitized translations but not actually shown to be the case onscreen)

Even worse if Cisco gives him the warning.

Now it's taking a Spinal Tap drummer feel to it. Cool!

Poor bastard probably won't see it coming.

Boinkus Frigidus!