King of the road says you move too slow :D
King of the road says you move too slow :D
Yeah man I believe it; I mean, I spent enough time there to realize how much drastically worse it was than anything I’d ever dealt with across the river. I had some pretty fucked up experiences in Detroit in my youth, I couldn’t imagine dealing with that kind of shit every single day.
Windsor here, we had all of the above plus a close relationship with the festering cesspool of 90’s Detroit.
Dancer in the Dark is up there with Requiem for a Dream for most depressing movie to me...
I remember watching this movie around ‘96, when I was 13 or so. It gave me an awful, sick feeling inside that I couldn’t shake for days... and it was the only time in my life that I got that feeling by proxy. I grew up in a rough, poor neighbourhood, but had a genuinely good, loving family. Many of my friends and…
I have an old riding mower torn apart in the garage I’d been considering doing something like this to... Now I have no reason not to :D
I saw a MINT X-11 just the other day! Driving on a real road! It was unexpected, to say the least
Powerful stuff. I really hope he spends the rest of his life rotting in a prison cell, after being fully exposed for the despicable human garbage he is.
hey, the page you’re looking for is .... I know they both start with the same letter, so it’s confusing, but I’m pretty sure you’ll find your way there :D
Just tore down the M50 from my ‘92 325i this weekend with 330,000 miles on it; if you didn’t know any better you’d swear it was brand new on the inside! I was expecting LOTS of grime in there, it was a pleasant surprise!
This is also true.... my experience is only with e30’s, e36’s and e46’s; I’m sure some of the others are drastically different. But compared with working on Fords, Chryslers, and GM’s of the same era they’re a walk in the park... Now Audi’s on the other hand, I just won’t touch at all anymore.
I’ve always found BMW’s to be wayyyy easier to work on than any domestic vehicle....
I had one of those kids in my grade 9 class... He hung himself from a tree in front of the gradeschool across the street....
mine didn’t but sure could have used them, we had kids trafficking in hard drugs on the playground starting around 10 years old
I went to some pretty rough schools, and I couldn’t disagree more about fighting bigger people; I only ever got my ass kicked by short stocky guys, and had no problems beatin’ up on the big dudes who were usually too slow or gangly.
I ditched my old V8 Deville and got a new Yaris a couple months ago, they gave me $1000 credit for the Deville (which I paid $700 for 3 years ago) and the payments are around $220 / month tax in (I think the purchase price was around $15,000 Canadian). The reason I went with the Yaris was that it was the only small…
I’m almost 100% sure that the employee who died was doing something VERY stupid immediately beforehand.