
Windsor resident here also looking for trackday opportunities this summer, do you know of anywhere closer than Ottawa? Going across the border is a huge pain in the ass but I’ve had trouble finding anywhere in Ontario that’s not a 6 or more hour drive...

$100 / year for plate stickers here in Ontario, + $35 for an emissions test that usually ends up costing at least $400

I always really liked the look of these but never knew how they drove. It’s a shame would’ve made a great hot hatch.

No, it’s spot on. Filtering to the front of the intersection slows everyone else down, sorry, and you are not a special snowflake because you choose to drive a more dangerous vehicle; nobody’s forcing you to ride a motorcycle, and you know the risks. Wait your turn like a reasonable human being.

I’ve never seen this apparent “safe, responsible” lane splitting. Instead, what I frequently see is assholes driving about 2 to 3 times the speed limit between lanes. I can’t count the number of times I’ve almost been hit by or accidentally almost hit a lane splitter on the highway simply because they’re driving so

Ding ding ding! winner right here!

Stuff like this happens CONSTANTLY.

LOL. from this angle it looks like a half-assed veyron kit car

If only I had 4 days available... crazy time at work right now and it’s just not doable. Oh well, there’s always next year... If I can find a decent e28 up here in Canuckistan I may end up with one of those instead. The older I get the more I love the 80’s beamers.

Honestly there’s really not much to go wrong that’d be very expensive. Most of the mechanical parts are shared with other vehicles and they’re simple enough for a shadetree to take good care of.

URGGH! Why must it be so far away?!?!

you got it. don’t fall for the same lies that led to iraq...

I can fit a full set of tires in the hatch of my 95 ti, where I cannot fit them inside my 92 sedan. The hatch is VERY useful.

BMW fanboy here, would rather have this than an e36 M3. Then again I already drive a stock ti so that might not be saying much :D

to be fair, 14 grand can get you alot more in beamer land too, this one’s priced higher than it realistically should be

I own a ti that will hopefully be receiving the same engine swap over the next year or two; this is just a few thousand too much for what it is, and there unfortunately is no way that a stock S50 is making 280 hp. That being said, these things are quick as hell and whoever does end up buying it will likely not be

Is it wrong that I absolutely love this?

worst visibility out of any car i have ever owned/driven, and that’s saying something considering i drove an ‘88 E350 with no rear windows and only a driver side mirror for more than a year

E36 BMW’s have a very nice for their time, well laid-out interior, however the door cards constantly falling off / window regulators failing is utterly infuriating, and it seems like ALL of them have this problem.

i loled!