There isn’t going to be “autonomy”, at least not 100% autonomy.
There isn’t going to be “autonomy”, at least not 100% autonomy.
China needs us far worse than we need them. Period. The Chinese Gov will price support their industry as necessary to kept the factories going. So, no, import prices will never rise exactly the amount of the tariffs, they will lower prices to offset tariffs if we buy less. Chinese Gov propping up their industry to…
LOL Komrade.
LOL, no.
Except when it doesn’t.
There are no FULLY autonomous cars and no technology exists today to do this. 100% of the environment would need to communicate at all times with the car and this simply is never going to happen.
Long does not equal “well written”.
Full autonomy for planes (which does not exist) is in no way similar to full autonomy for cars (which will never exist).
Top speed is meaningless, pointing that out and ignoring 0-60 just highlights how poor the 0-60 is.
That did not happen.
Except their cars are absolutely NOT premium content/quality.
Right. Except for that best economy is 50 years thing.
“Pretty similar” is still completely proprietary.
Actually “ICE” is sustainable far beyond all our lifetimes.
Batteries are not getting BETTER and cheaper. Battery tech that can compete with gas and diesel is nowhere in sight (still).
There is nothing remotely close to fully autonomous (in every situation, all weather, all roads) from any maker, and there will never be unless the entire environment is “wired” and communicating. Not happening.
There is no such thing as “bomb cyclone”.
LOL, the Trump economy is the best in 50 years, period.
Doubtful, unless you make over $200k a year.