
Something like that! This was about 25 years ago so the details are hazy. I remember being terrified and embarrassed, with people staring at me loping along the street. I probably looked like a dog with rabies! Ever since then I've been extremely reluctant to take any prescription medicine, no matter how much I

It's definitely depression-related. It's something that has come and gone all my life. I haven't heard of the SAD lamp, but here in Australia it's summer time anyway. No question though I feel much worse in winter, so the SAD lamp is something woth considering.

I'm going to start with the lower dose tonight and see how it goes.

I have one on my ipod. My favourite is the steam train.

Oh, I could kick Jeremy Renner's ass easy. Even in my sleep. Haha. Maybe tonight you will dream where you put Patton Oswalt's dog and cookie jar.

You've given me a lot to think about. The main problem is, of course, finding a Dr willing to listen seriously. Coming from a family with lots of medical professionals I know the view is

It's now on my list!

I use lavender oil when I have a headache. It helps my husband when he can't sleep but it doesn't work for me alas. My dreams are vivid enough without any help!

Freakers. I can't tell you how many Doctors I've seen in my life, and how many times I've left their offices, almost in tears because they can't find an explanation for my feeling sick but still made me feel like I was somehow making up bizarre symptoms.

Interesting. Like you, pain medication has little effect on me. Anti-histimines or cough medicines make me sleepy but don't make me go to sleep unless I take way too much. Even Codeine, which I was prescribed for a chronic cough didn't make me sleepy. Endep for migraine didn't make me tired either.

I haven't heard of Unisom. I had a similar sleep paralysis incident. I had taken 2 anti-hystemines and fell asleep in the afternoon. When I woke up I couldn't open my eyes and couldn't move a muscle. I don't know how long it lasted for, it seemed ages. It was the worst feeling of my life.

I'm allergic to Stemetil/maxalon. I had an oculogyric (sp?) reaction and ended up in hospital. It was pretty horrifying and since then I've been wary of any medication. It's just that the lack of sleep is really getting me down. I'm at the stage where I'm willing to try just about anything.

Going to try that tonight, see how it works.

Block and delete and ignore. Don't give him the satisfaction of letting him know how much he hurt you.

Thanks for the replies, people. I bought the 10mg capsules thinking they would work better than the lower dose but everyone has been saying the 3mg is the best. So now I have 110 capsules left over. Melatonin can't be purchased legally in Australia, you can only buy very weak homeopathic types which are useless from

I'll try the lower dose, see how that goes. Still, even Valium has no effect on me. My insomnia has reached the stage where I will try anything.

I've tried valerian before with no effect. I'll lower the dose and see how that goes.

I've been trying melatonin supplements to help me get to sleep but no luck so far. I'm taking one 10mg capsule 30 minutes before I go to bed but they haven't been making me sleepy, and I seem to be waking up more often during the night. How long before it should have an effect? I've been taking them for 10 days.

This morning I saw a magpie walk across the road at a pedestrian crossing. Everytime I think of it I giggle out loud.