My brain has decided to wake me up after 2 1/2 hours sleep and now I can’t get back to sleep. I didn’t forget my tablets last night and I haven't got anything particular troubling my mind. Guess I'll have to put up with it, and feel crap all day
My brain has decided to wake me up after 2 1/2 hours sleep and now I can’t get back to sleep. I didn’t forget my tablets last night and I haven't got anything particular troubling my mind. Guess I'll have to put up with it, and feel crap all day
My top lip is currently outraged at being shaved twice, in a week, to ensure a good protective mask fit for working on the wards. I’ve avoided cabin fever by being lucky enough to continue working, but I think the pressure is going to increase as the patients become more numerous and more unwell, and staff become…
I always started doing stuff with the left side of my body; getting dressed, left arm before the right, t-shirts, socks, trousers, anything. Took them off the same way too and continue to do so as an adult, although more from habit than compulsion. Also, I was obsessed with putting my hand between the mattress and the…
Advice is easy, but don't settle for less abusive than previous partners
Many, many handsome kitties!
The pace and sense of urgency at work is slowly increasing, I’m up-skilling staff at every opportunity and I’m pleased to say most are making the best of it, in spite of the uncertainty. Most don’t know where they’ll end up, but our team are working hard to make sure they are safe and as prepared as they can be and…
My first response was “Big Brother is still going?” I really didn’t think it was running still, anywhere in the world!
I’ve caught a few episodes and really enjoyed the show. It seems so nerve-wracking when their creations go in the kiln, as they lose all control of their work and have to wait and see what comes back
UK resident here, so we get to wait a while for the lost hour! My workplace (a hospital) getting its “oh shit!” plan together for if Coronavirus hits hard. I’m going to be re-training all the nurse specialists who haven’t worked on a ward in years, heh, heh heh 😈
Sadly, I didn’t have a good sleep and this is what Spotify served up for me this morning;
I’m in a weird mood this evening. I don't really know why, but I think it's just an accumulation of things. Maybe a good night's sleep will help
I’ve been a Registered Nurse for close to the last 26 years, so I may have an unfair advantage. There was the time, pre-nursing, where I was told to clean out the maze of spoiled milk in a factory, much of which was way beyond curds and whey. Rotten, if I’m honest, having been left in all weathers for a long time…
What about toilet breaks? What if they needed to break wind?
I got crabs on my birthday once, but that’s a story for another day....
I understand; you’re normally so regular, I (and undoubtedly other people) were worried.
Awesome! I love it ❤️
Hey! Is it just me, or are we without our weekly Rescue Kitty fix©?
We bought a cheap inflatable children’s paddling pool which worked well; it kept the Lego contained, the bright colours made a good contrast to the bricks and it was tough enough that it didn't rip
One of those mini drum kits found it's way under our Christmas tree one year, so I have some insight into being on the receiving end...