
I’m in a weird mood this evening. I don't really know why, but I think it's just an accumulation of things. Maybe a good night's sleep will help 

I’ve been a Registered Nurse for close to the last 26 years, so I may have an unfair advantage. There was the time, pre-nursing, where I was told to clean out the maze of spoiled milk in a factory, much of which was way beyond curds and whey. Rotten, if I’m honest, having been left in all weathers for a long time

What about toilet breaks? What if they needed to break wind? 

I got crabs on my birthday once, but that’s a story for another day....

I understand; you’re normally so regular, I (and undoubtedly other people) were worried. 

Awesome! I love it ❤️

Hey! Is it just me, or are we without our weekly Rescue Kitty fix©? 

We bought a cheap inflatable children’s paddling pool which worked well; it kept the Lego contained, the bright colours made a good contrast to the bricks and it was tough enough that it didn't rip

One of those mini drum kits found it's way under our Christmas tree one year, so I have some insight into being on the receiving end... 

I received the first part of the paperwork for my Autism assessment today. It was only fairly basic information they wanted, plus my consent to contact my GP, but I was surprised I got it so quickly; here's hoping things progress equally fast. 

DQSH definitely sounds something the world needs more of, not less

Here is one of our cats doing a good impression of hungover me....

None whatsoever, but that's okay because I want to get rid of stuff 

Pictures! Wearing it, if you can bear it 😀

Looking forward to hearing from everyone this week, I've not been up to much other than continuing clearing out. Another trip to drop stuff off at various charity shops/drop-off sites tomorrow and then maybe another, harsher look at what's left...

I must be getting old.... 

I’m too tired to linger tonight, so have a good SNS friends and I will catch up with your posts tomorrow

I do think I’d benefit from the help of personal shopper, or at least someone to look disapprovingly at me when I shop for clothes (by the way, I’m more of a classic Oxford shoes sort of guy!)

Thank you, Hannibal

You look amazing! And I have to agree with MillipedeVanillipede and say that fabric is gorgeous. I’m looking for a good pair of shoes to wear for “occasions” and have been completely unsuccessful in finding anything I like that’s in my my size/budget.