Evening everyone, hope you’re all having fun whatever you’re doing. I’ve managed to pick up a cold already and have been sneezing all afternoon, with an annoyingly drippy nose too! I am going to be grumpy as hell tomorrow
Evening everyone, hope you’re all having fun whatever you’re doing. I’ve managed to pick up a cold already and have been sneezing all afternoon, with an annoyingly drippy nose too! I am going to be grumpy as hell tomorrow
Horrifying as it is that a PSA such as this should even need to exist, everyone should see this.
I feel that reasons to go on are harder to find.
While I can’t deny that the antidepressants have helped, I don’t think the benefits I have had were worth the negatives. Self harm thoughts persisted throughout. My relationship with those I should love and loved me have suffered, from my mental state before and during my time on antidepressants. Flashbacks persist. I…
I was on a low dose of amitriptyline decades ago, for neuropathic pain, and when it came time to stop them it took ages; I was halving, even quartering tablets to try and make it more tolerable.
Awareness, but I'd hesitate to use the word care. Suggesting I come back if I have any problems was about the extent of it.
I’m not having a very good week this week; I’m reducing my antidepressant dose because of side effects and possible interactions with my blood pressure tablets. I’ve only gone down by 10mg but wow, I’m feeling it. The symptoms I’m getting are horrible and I really don’t think I can persevere, especially after nearly…
Given the modularity of many modern rifles, the debate as to what defines an assault rifle will probably last forever. Technical details, calibre, gun silhouette, the interchangeability of parts and their availability. NRA lawyers will drag this out interminably
I read this on a news website the other day; I couldn’t believe her fake name was Uwanawich! As in, you wanna witch?!
It was very much fun. I enjoyed hearing the animals waking up in the morning
Along with the Zoo trip I’ve had a pretty good couple of weeks, except for a couple of disconcerting flashbacks. Trying to not let it get me down, and I’m hoping there won’t be more
One of the keepers was cleaning the glass walls of the enclosure,and one penguin kept hassling her for scritches. I have a feeling you might get on well with that one!
The only place that held any specific negative feelings for me (not an ex, but a particular person nevertheless) has been bulldozed and had nice new things built on the site, so I'm good.
Thank you! I was trying to think of somewhere to post pictures (shameless plug for Groupthink too 😉)
I agree; chicks or it didn't happen (sorry). Also, a diaper for chickens!
Thank you Maya; we shall do our best! X
Only a few days until our London Zoo sleepover!
I was thinking along these lines too. Every seat was probably empty, if it didn’t have one of their entourage or a royal bum on it.
I honestly thought he'd died too!