
Come back soon! ❤️

Wise words; I extracted anything that might have sounded sarcastic and settled for an “I look forward to hearing from you” approach to one conversation (about the secondment & the lack of progress). The other one which is a conversation about the lack of a rota, I've gone with emphasising how impactful it is not

If you need any help, I will do anything I can x

I’m trying hard to get the tone of a couple of emails I need to send right; I’ve been waiting on an internal secondment since March with absolutely no progress. As far as I can find out, the position which was offered to me originally now has to be advertised and thus (I presume) go through all of the usual HR hoops.


Maya, you have let no one down. Wishing you the strength and peace you need 

Will Ivanka catch a sniffle and have to make use of the National Health Service?

I don’t think I’ve ever encountered a hairball from any of our cats; I’m not sure if it’s through luck or because they had the decency not to do it at home (have cleaned up much cat puke though 😱)

It’s been a little while since I last posted, but I’m coming back out of my shell! 

The GP I saw this week increased my antidepressant dose to the next increment, hopefully I won’t get the side effects I had before. I’m trying hard to overcome the inertia I’m feeling but it's hard and, Jezebel excepted, I am continuing to stay off social media. Thank you all for your support last week

When we all had to leave the nurses accommodation, we were told we could leave property behind but we had to wait a day to return for it as they had hired a company to board the building up. What they apparently didn’t realise and certainly didn’t tell us, was that said company’s contract gave them salvage rights to

I have been sat here trying to sum up how I’m feeling and failing. I’ve just got to wait until Tuesday so I can see my GP for whatever help they can give me; my depression has taken a turn for the worse after having the grinning face of the shit who assaulted me pop up in my FB feed twice this week now. I really don't

And what’s brown and doesn’t weigh very much?

I don't know 😁

I fond of a good one liner - I really don’t like Russian dolls, they're so full of themselves.

I am so bad at remembering jokes...

Lol, I don't know

Well another less than stellar week ends with me on nights, again ☹️. Any good jokes, (or bad ones!) to raise a smile would be appreciated.

I was seconded, or loaned out, to another team to bring in an electronic prescribing system (I'm an RN). I'm being loaned out again; hence a second secondment 😃

Rooting for you and hoping you go on to better things