The brief glimpses of Ram after her death reminded me of another film;
The brief glimpses of Ram after her death reminded me of another film;
And what’s the usual lifespan of a hamster? Less than 5 years? Dependant on how long she needs a support animal, she’s going to be going through them at a pretty reasonable rate, regardless of how exactly they shuffle off this metal coil.....
What i don’t get (UK contributor here), is how this interview and the opinions expressed within aren’t better known?
Have to admit, I was intrigued....
Maybe they picked them up for the reunion; practical, reminiscent of their heyday, and comfy!
Spice Girls, I’m looking at you....
Been done before....
I guessed Dallas Cowboys right, and I’m British!
While I hope every last moment of his existence is spent aspiring to be miserable, it pisses me off that it’s at the taxpayer’s expense. Fucker should be made to pay for his own upkeep too.
Wasn’t it the first GTA with a licenced soundtrack? My memory of GTA 3 was the soundtrack being more muzak, licence free.
Methinks he borrowed this from props;
This! (Plus any chance to air this clip of that asshole Katie Hopkins get shown up)
I’m kind of surprised he’s not wearing gloves in those assembly pictures; the possibility of a stray fingerprint in all that acrylic....
Watership Down! They showed (what was probably) a shortened version of that to my class when I was in junior school, maybe between 9-11 years old, max. Don’t know what they cut out to shorten it, but it wasn’t enough to stop them having to walk a procession of crying children out of the hall.
As an alternative, there’s the Streamlight Microstream, a small but bright torch with an S shaped clip so you can attach it to the peak of a cap;
I’ve not seen the film, but once they heard his demands wouldn’t it be cheaper to say “Well, we’re reshooting with Christopher Plummer so why don’t we re-cast Wahlberg too?” Is he in that much of the film he was unreplaceable?
I got mine yesterday (more lack of opportunity than unwillingness), and some of the registered nurse were acting all “no, it’ll give me flu”! I’ve had actual, proper flu once in my life when I was about 19 and I felt so unwell I watched all of Lonesome Dove on VHS!
Who didn’t see this kind of thing coming when they heard the orbital cannon existed?
I’m surprised the UK passport office accepted my picture; while it met the technical requirements, I look like the Unabomber’s angry younger brother. The booth even managed to make me look even more deranged because the scar tissue on my left eye didn’t reflect the light in the same way as my healthy right, making it…
I’d pay to see that, if only out of curiosity. But who to cast as the Batman? If he could be persuaded, Clint Eastwood, bringing that Dirty Harry/Unforgiven snarl...