
Lulz, I just built my first full computer yesterday, ordered all the parts on newegg. It has a core i7 12gb ddr3 and a whole bunch more fun stuff. The surprising thing about it was that I didn't have a single problem with the entire build, the most difficult part was getting the graphics cards to work with the

@DexterNinja: It runs great, not something for HD video though. I am going to try to make a youtube video on it.

@smunsch: Yeah, what he said :D

I was just looking for something like this to sort my torrents. Lifehacker's most unknown super power it the ability to provide exactly what you need exactly when you need it. :D

Wow...... If I left by comcast internet going full boar for an entire month that would be a total of 1.29 TB yes terabyte, I dont exactly have a normal comcast connection.

Too late, I have already set up an exchange server in my room, muahahahaha. But really after I could barely access my mobile me account on Friday I decided to set up my own exchange server. It took me two days of off and on work on it, it works perfectly, it pulls emails from like 5 different email accounts 3 gmail,

@wa6ACx: "wa6ACx" Is that you HAM call sign?

I like it a lot, now where to find a way to sneak in to my school to get a whiteboard.

I just noticed that you put mine up there, cool! Its still messy at the moment but I am still working on my desk so it will improve.

I am still a junior high school but I work about 10 hours a week for the geeksquad. There are a lot of college students that work there as well, it is fun most of the time, well , except for dealing with most customers. We all make around 12-16 bucks an hour on average, I tend to be on the higher end of that due to

Just two days ago I grabbed a donated iBook G4 from my school. It was donated by O'Reilly media, the G4 had a dead HD and also a G3 that had no HD or keyboard. Since I spend most of my tome helping with the school's tech stuff I get to fix the stuff that the school won't. Anyway I replaced the 30GB drive with a 20GB

Once every 30 minutes, 8,000 stories read in the last 30 days :)

Costco hotdogs.