
In another article, the GM guy said that SuperCruise will make loads of money b/c it will become a subscription service.

What is the purpose of the large hole in each seat?

How many minutes/hours before the local FOP declares this “not supporting the blue” and “liberal persecution!” and “innocent until proven innocent!”.

The last 2 sentences is EXACTLY why they’d be damn fools to spend another cent on this. SpaceX is going to get every contract awarded for the next 7-8 years (Trump aint leaving the WH in 4 years, folks), and these “bids” will be for just fantastical amounts. Boeing wont see a wooden nickel for spaceflight.

Maybe I’m weird, but 10K/yr seems really low. Unless it’s only used to/from work/gym, then maybe. But a nice round trip roadie will set ya back 1500+ miles in one week, so.....seems insufficient.  Maybe these suck for road trips?

$7.5K for a make I can barely spell that’s older than most mechanics near me is about $4K too much.  

You’re assuming they have jobs. Give it a week and let’s see.  Tax cuts dont come free, ya know.

Audi 5000, G.

WOTS is that he’s now “delaying” the Mexico tariffs.  If I didn’t know better, I’d swear he has no f#ckin’ clue what he’s doing, or why, or how.

six people onboard the plane were all Mexican citizens

the plan is for them to build more affordable cars

Reverse: acquitted....did not know this. Purposefully flew 360 ft. from the ground in Italian ski country, destroyed evidence, and lied on the stand.

This forced me to wiki “Giant’s Causeway” and holy shit, that’s amazing. How have I never heard/seen of this before?

Also, they can raise them and point to tariffs as the cause, even if it’s a flat-out lie, because consumers are largely incapable/too lazy to know for sure. And materials subjected to 25% tariffs will nonetheless rise in price by > 30%, because again, consumers largely suck at math and dont care enough to crunch the

This would totally work, as long as said manufacturer first “donates” at least $100 mill into The Orange Foolius’ bank account. Will be amazing to see the many work-arounds that are permissible after all the important palms are greased.

With regard to these ‘terfs, shall we say Stellantis is Still-Antsy?

who said that the legality of such a move would be deeply suspect

Wait a sec....for reals, my health insurance wont cover me outside of the US? Holy shit, this is news to me. If I’m hit by a car while vacationing in France, I gotta pay full-freight on whatever made-up price they charge me?

Gov’t project? $2 very very large over budget? 

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