
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene claims the government is the one controlling the drones

Cant wait to see how my innocents are terrorized/killed when SWAT teams show up at the house of the supposed owner of the car “used” in a bank robbery, only it wasn’t because hacky.

According to my coworker, her purchase of a giant vehicle was in response to everyone else’s giant vehicle, and her belief that such brawn would best protect her infant. And I’ve heard this from others, too.

Skynet’s early beta-testing monitors.  John Connor is all over this.

That’s a lot of scratch for a car destined to get rooked within 6 months of ownership.

when Trump’s term ends in January 2029.

Say it with me: full autonomy not possible except maybe on highways. Too many variables in urban/suburban setting for cameras to ID, then algorithms to assess real-time, then make the correct decision every time. I guess if society is willing to kill a non-trivial number of people to bring about “autonomy”, then put

none of the 58 people onboard were injured as a result of the crash


If you’re 31, you’ve been around long enough to know Tesla’s claims are FOS. To be so unaware that the presence of lights on a major highway doesn’t initiate the takeover of control tells me he was asleep (so does 4am). No effort, even last-second, to apply the brakes confirms that.

One Time cant drive a car or deploy a taser without breaking their back? WTF kind of cops are these?

That name is....fantastic. It goes Bible - Italian - Spanish - Mexican.  Almost daring people to guess his nationality/ethnicity.

said USPS should revert to its prior plan to buy 90% gas-powered vehicles, but not cancel the contract

even the changing tides of politics cannot stop the forward momentum

EV batteries have 90 percent capacity after 100,000 kilometers of driving, and at 300,000 kilometers they still have 87 percent of their original kilowatts left

Tom or Penelope?

Oh boy....change out “cars” for “real estate” (bitcoin? hookers?), change the date to 2029, and the location to Mara Lago, and let’s have this convo again.

At least he’s good on his word.