
Chicken and egg staffing prob, rather common I think. Cant get new employees because the job is too stressful unless fully staffed. But cant get fully staffed without new employees. Almost have to bring in a bunch at once (to prove “fully staffed” to the other noobs), but then really hard to train so many in parallel.

When I was 6 I tried to help out my neighbor by opening the trunk of his station wagon by jamming sticks into the lock, like a wooden key. Weirdly, this did not open the door, nor did the correct key anymore afterwards.

Driving back to college at night in January, doing 70mph on I-80 in a massive snowstorm in a RWD, land-yacht 88 Olds. Watched 2 other drivers slide directly into snowbanks, still didn’t slow down, because I was young and therefore bulletproof. Only a damn miracle that I made it with all car parts attached, and now age

“Jared”....”South Carolina”....”Trump”.....True to form at least.  

John Oliver’s philippics are the same for me....

Not sure how this can be changed....lender charges high rate due to high risk of non-payment; precisely what occurred here. High rates as a result of bad credit as a result of not paying what one owes on bills is an adverse but necessary societal situation required to incentive people to pay others appropriately and


This is a fantastic price in today’s market.  It would sell fast even $2K higher, IMO.

It’s possible she was in this state of mind due to some bad medicine, but Jon told her he’d be there for her, asked her to lay her hand on him, and he helped her over the edge by keeping her in these arms.  Keep the faith, he instructed.

In all levels of football, if the ball is snapped before the clock expires, the kick counts.

Trump appears to be concerned about, and thus in favor of, cheap overland bus transport, because he kept mentioning how upset he was that immigrants were eating Greyhounds.

I bet the (checks wiki’s plane terms) yaw and (checks again) damper, along with its (hold on) pitch and roll is severely compromised with a sideways tail.  However, after checking with my Boeing friends, they said everything looks OK to them.

Sepia-colored Hellcat logos

Shocking to see that those insurance companies that spend a metric fuckton of money on advertisements — Geico, Progressive, LibMut — might not have much money or interest in helping actually pay for claims. Very pyramid-scheme-y flavor to these advertisers-first, insurance companies-afterthought.

the other changes are meant to boost employee productivity hours worked and collaboration reduce salaries and bonuses using arcane and subjective metrics

mythical robotaxi that is supposed to be coming in about a month.

Let’s all just say it together: we will never send humans to Mars. Ever. It’s a one-way trip, so suicidal in practice. Suicidal people are not the ones you trust to operate a space ship and make good astronauts.

Look Bobby! His liver parts stretch on for almost a half-mile! His intestines went even further!

I’m guessing the truck hitter has no insurance, and the hitee’s insurance has absolutely no idea how to value this POS.