
It’s a got a freakin’ moustache.  Is this the Freddie Mercury Edition?

I thought this too....until this:

Just saw a Sigh-berTruck yesterday on the side of the road, hazards blazing.  Don’t know if it was waiting for someone, or bricked.  Bad look though.

“dishonestly possess interfered with unique identifier”

What’s that golf course going to think about all that shrapnel and bullets and casings strewn everywhere?

Sicilian authorities

“Chewign gum from Eoln Musk’s mouth!” — Ebay, starting bid $4000

Also, seatbelts.  At least something other than lappys that would separate the legs from torso on hard impact.

Profits lower with vests. Profits the same or higher with some dead people. Certainly labor costs lower with dead people.

now referred to as being “hung.”

“Tax credits and tax incentives are not generally a very good thing,” Trump told Reuters after a campaign event in York, Pennsylvania.

That promotional picture slays....because if there’s one place people take their brand new, top-line, 6-figure monstrosity that they owe ~$1800/month on, is a jagged, uneven road full of dust, rocks, sharp and paint-scratchy things.

Just construct car washes over all major roads into Ukraine and problem solved.

There’s a problem with wildly overcharging people for things in short supply and big demand?”

There’s a “Indians” and “reservations” joke in there somewhere, but I’m not going to make it

I’m probably trying too hard to understand why only the “m” is underlined.

I’m disturbed that Mod Motor Guy seems to know so much about elephant sexytime.

it’s not clear if the two children were in car seats at the time of the crash

What Musk badly misunderstands is just how married to virtue-signaling the right is. Rolling up in a Tesla in most southern Alabama towns would instantly ostracize that person. Town pariah, likely.

But here’s the thing — I never took any formal econ class, yet somehow I still know what a shit deal is....what shit financing involves, credit and credit scores, how interest works/calcs, etc. Just being an adult that cannot go negative in one’s bank account literally forces people to understand this stuff...is it