
No shit.  My superyacht suffered superficial damage when it drifted into my Lear jet, which then caused my Sikorsky to tilt and throw my Bugatti into the bow.

I, for one, would not have my wife after 115 nights in a Hampton Inn.

Sebastian had a lapse in his insurance at the time

How did 140 vehicles get damaged from one car catching on fire?

Perhaps unrelated, every restaurant in Melbourne is currently serving BOGO hamburgers for the next week.

*tires available for an additional charge

Anything else has a set price that you pay and that’s it.

SSSSSSSHHHH!  Dont ruin Fox’s fantasy with reality!  How dare you provide context and nuance when causation fallacies and emotional immaturity are supposed to rule the day...

I’ve been waiting for 10+ years for this logic + reasoning epiphany from the neckbeards and it clearly is just not going to occur. I’m convinced they want to stay ignorant, angry, and aggrieved, such that it gives them something to fire themselves up while they beat their 3rd wife and stepkid and start fires at the

IANAL, but this is a joke, right?


“I’m not driving X miles to practice my rifle marksmanship... neighborhood backyard it is!”

This thing would be killer for football tailgates

Lucid said it will begin production of a three-row crossover, the Gravity, this year. It has a starting price just under $80,000 before shipping.

I disagree with the Scotland take.  The roads from Ayr through Troon and up to Irvine are just fine.  Some of those towns are indeed a bit sad, yes, but the roads are fine and the people are crazy-nice.

I’m pretty sure the whole reason Tesla exists in TX is to avoid/evade this regulatory stuff.  Watch the feds fine him millions while the state gives him a medal.

This is Onion-level hilarious. Going from 2nd degree skin burns to destroying one’s mouth roof. Maybe it will sell more beverages, like milk?

Lots of ships “losing power” inexplicably lately....it’s almost like all these sailing reggys in 3rd world DGAS countries is not good for maintenance plans, inspections, and corporate liability.

Glad to know it’s not just me.  I couldn’t figure out why both the lappy and cell went wonky at the same time.

It certainly derailed her career at Porsche.  And Audi.  And the local ratskeller.  Maybe the closest Tesla facility would welcome this devil?